Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Superratic Wall: Climbing Deluxe

As I've said before, climbing isn't just about climbing. It's also about taking sick lifestyle shots. This can include trips to Worland, Wyoming for groceries. Below, Billy Brown has successfully purchased some food.

K-money Wilkipants working F'ed in the A' (.14a), Superratic Wall.

F'ed in the A'.

(Alli Rainey Photo)
Christine Balaz on Neutral Spirit (.13a), Superratic. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Balaz on Neutral Spirit. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Balaz on Neutral Spirit. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Jedi, majestic beast. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Steve hates mosquitoes. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Balaz on Neutral Spirit. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Dog whispering. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Balaz on Neutral Spirit. (Alli Rainey Photo)

Alli Rainey working F'ed in the A' (.14a).

Rainey on F'ed in the A'.
Rainey on F'ed in the A'.

Cold hands on F'ed in the A'.
Flexing guns on F'ed in the A'.

Rainey on F'ed in the A'.

Rainey on F'ed in the A'.

Cedar found a lethargic, baby marmot. For real.

1 comment:

Alex Johnson said...

I MISS JEDI!!! Need to get back to Tensleep... :)